A common question I’m often asked by people who are thinking of whether to start making their own cosmetic skincare is, why?
With the large number of cosmetic skincare products and beauty brands that fill the shelves of every beauty store, pharmacy and grocery shop across the globe, it is a good question.
Here are 3 reasons why we think you should make your own skincare. Let’s look at each of these in a little more detail:
Create specific, bespoke skincare products that work for you & your clients
The number one, most important reason! By learning how to create your own cosmetic skincare products you develop a real understanding of what the skin requires to look, feel and function at its best. You will also learn how easy it can be to identify different skin types and how to formulate skincare products that are bespoke to the individual and will meet the needs of the skin. This personal, bespoke approach to skin wellness and skin health is something that no large cosmetic skincare company can truly achieve.
From my own experience, learning how to make and formulate bespoke handmade skincare to meet the individual needs of both my therapy clients and myself, opened a whole new world of creative possibilities. I quickly learnt that a day moisturising cream that I had made and used in the Summer months wouldn’t be as suitable for me in the cold British Winter! Or perhaps it wasn’t as suitable for when I was recovering from health concerns, stress or a minor surgery.
I often have therapy clients referred to me with particular skin complaints such as eczema, or psoriasis, and having the knowledge of how to make bespoke skincare enables me to make creams for specific applications, that are suited to my clients individual skin needs.
Addressing environmental waste
Environmental concerns, and the care of natures resources are seriously in need of addressing. A huge amount of waste that is flushed into our waterways each year comes from the cosmetics industry, including potentially harmful chemicals from your shampoo, conditioner, body creams, hand/foot cream, and/or face cream. By making your own products, you can decide on which ingredients to use, and to avoid the potentially troublesome chemicals that are found in mass-produced hair & beauty brands ending up in our waterways.
Packaging waste is also another well documented problem – jars, plastic bottles, tubes, lids, plastic pumps etc, the list is endless. Purchasing many off-the-shelf creams often means that bathroom cabinets (and eventually the rubbish bin) are full of plastic containers, many perhaps even half-used or simply discarded. When you make your own skincare cosmetics you can decide on the containers that you use, re-use and recycle. Plastic? Or recycled glass? The choice is yours. Also, as you have control over the volume or quantity that you make, you can decide whether you make 100ml or a litre of a cleanser for example, thus reducing the need for many smaller sized containers over time.
By creating your own skincare products, you can join us in the ‘Clean Formulation’ philosophy, by choosing to create skincare with only the ingredients that you really need to help promote skin wellness, whilst also giving you the control to source sustainable ingredients for use in your products. This will ensure that the products you make are of the highest quality, whilst being formulated and manufactured in an ethical way.
The financial cost benefits
Cost is something that we all consider when making purchases, but this is particularly important at the moment. In many cases it can either be cheaper, and/or more cost-effective over time to make your own skincare products, even when using high end ingredients, than it is to buy ‘premium’ off-the-shelf products.
For owners & managers of beauty salons, spas or therapy businesses, it is often the case that you are initially required to pay a large amount of money to open an account with a ‘premium’ branded skincare supplier, and most likely that you are then contracted to minimum ordering quantities going forwards, often resulting in you buying (spending) more than you need. This is before you’ve even factored in any additional costs, such as shipping, purchase of seasonal ranges, promotional items, and staff training which might be required to use the products.
Which then asks the question – Why not create your own skincare products, with your own treatment plan, for your own individual clients, rather than passing all of this business to large corporations?
Whether you decide to make cosmetic skincare for yourself, or if you are running a business, making your own skincare range can be beneficial because you can really tailor the product to individual needs, whilst reducing those ever increasing associated costs to running a household, or business, and by keeping that profit you usually hand over to a third-party, who doesn’t formulate skincare with specifically you, or your client in mind.
Clean & natural cosmetic skincare formulation
We believe in a holistic perspective to skin wellness, and take this approach on our Courses by teaching others our ‘Clean & Natural Cosmetic Skincare Formulation’ philosophy, where we only ever use the ingredients we need to meet the purpose of the skincare product.
Given the benefits stated above it makes perfect sense for us to create our own skincare products with clean cosmetic skincare product formulation in mind, and to teach others how to do the same. Empowered with this knowledge we can all step away from the marketing of the large corporate, premium priced cosmetic skincare companies and focus on what is important to us as skincare practitioners – designing and making high quality products, specifically created for the good of the skin, whilst being environmentally conscious and financially smart.
Learning how to make your own skincare is not as difficult as many may think, you do not need to hold a degree in chemistry to make high quality skincare for yourself!
Join us over the next few posts where we will go further into these topics discussed today, including identifying the key ingredients needed for good skin health. Once you start your journey into clean skincare formulation I promise you will feel so much better for doing it.
What other reasons have you identified that have inspired you to begin formulating & making your very own skincare products? Please let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to share!